BPLHN and Staff in the News & Notables
Marcus Stanley’s presentation was pulled from a Texas health department conference after he refused to take “white supremacy” out of its title.
From Silenced to Empowered: Confronting white supremacy work culture and anti-Blackness
Marcus Stanley, Masonia Traylor, Dean Alan Dettlaff, Dr. Samira Ali, and Venita Ray will host a panel discussion and presentation on how they are confronting white supremacy work culture and anti-Blackness using their experience with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) as an example.
Marcus Stanley Engaging Communities to Combat HIV/AIDS
In this episode of Public Health Perspectives, we speak with Marcus Stanley, who works for the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work (GCSW) in the SUSTAIN Wellbeing COMPASS Coordinating Center. Here he discusses aspects relevant to engaging communities and the necessity of building from the ground up. As he strives to bring the most benefit to those affected and impacted by his work, Mr. Stanley brings insight into building intersectional partnerships, learning to work with vulnerable community members and allowing them to be the experts, and learning to be an ally to his full potential by ensuring meaningful involvement.
Marcus Stanley Is Engaging Communities to Combat HIV/AIDS by
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